Sunday, October 14, 2007

Inching towards monumental change ...

Well, folks, we are almost there. Ten days and counting, and Dave and I take United Flight 0897 from Washington Dulles airport to Beijing international airport. It's weird that this very long journey has come down to counting hours and minutes. It certainly feels strange being on the precipice of monumental change but feeling like you're moving ever-so-slowly to your destination. It cannot be that many times in life when you can pinpoint the exact moment when everything henceforth changes (the morning of October 29th -- when we get Darcy), with every preceding moment feeding into that big event. Like some wise TV soap opera voice over once said, "like sands through an hour glass ...."

We received our itinerary from CAWLI, our China-adoption agency, on Friday. It looks like two days of family, sight-seeing and jet lag in Beijing, and then about 5 days in the capital city of Darcy's province (Nanchang, Jiangxi). Then, on to Guangzhou for 6 days to tango with American immigration bureaucracy, all the while getting to know Darcy (and, he, getting to know us). It'll undoubtedly be the strangest journey of our lives, and I'll do my best to sneak out to internet cafes to fill you in, episodically, on our triumphs and mishaps.

Wish us luck.

-- Laurelle

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